
Agenda for 9 May 2024 Meeting

Agendas Uploaded on May 3, 2024

Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the Parish Council to be held on Thursday 9 May 2024 at 7.30 pm in the Chapel Schoolroom, Hessay



24.039 – To elect a chairman for the year

24.040 – To receive the Chairman’s signed Declaration of Acceptance of Office

24.041 – To elect a Vice-Chairman

24.042 – To appoint a councillor to attend the YLCA York Branch meetings

24.043 – Co-option and introduction of new Councillors

24.044 – To receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary interest (not previously declared) on any matters of business

24.045 – To receive apologies for absence given in advance of the meeting

24.046 – To consider the approval of reasons given for absence

24.047 – To confirm the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 14 March 2024


24.049- To receive the City of York Councillor’s report – for information only

24.050 – To receive the clerk’s report on progress on the following: –
(a) The new website for the Parish Council (Min. 24.027a)
(b) Request to repaint the faded markings on the village roads (Min. 24.036a)
(c) Request for a bus stop opposite Shirbutt Lane on the A59 (Min. 24.036b)

24.051 – Planning Applications
To note Local Authority Planning Decisions

24.052 – Finance
(a) To receive a financial statement
(b) To note accounts for payment
(c) To receive a report on income received
(d) To agree the Annual Governance Statement on the Annual Return
(e) To agree the Statement of Accounts on the Annual Return
(f) To sign the exemption form for the Annual Return

(g) To agree to subscribe to the YLCA for 2024-25 – £137.00

24.053 – To make decisions on Parish Council Land
(a) Registration of Parish Land – To receive an update
(b) Hessay Pond
(c) Willow Garth
(d) Allotments
(e) Thief Lane
(f) Sandpit Field

24.054 – To discuss, the condition of the village roads, footpaths, verges, and signage in the village.

24.055 – To consider what to do with the notice board – repair or replace?

24.056 – To consider Councillor and Clerk Training

24.057 – To receive a report on Village Policing

24.058 – To note Correspondence received by the Clerk

24.059 – To consider Minor Matters

24.060 – To consider new items for the next agenda

24.061 – To agree the date and meeting place of the next meeting

Posted 2 May 2024 Signed James Mackman

James Mackman, Clerk 39 Calder Avenue, Nether Poppleton, York, YO26 6RG
Tel: 01904 399277 – email: