
Agenda for 29 November 2023 Meeting

Agendas Uploaded on January 1, 2024


Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the Parish Council to be held on Wednesday 29 November 2023 at 7.00 pm in the Chapel Schoolroom, Hessay


23.069 – To receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary interest (not previously declared) on any matters of business

23.070 – To receive apologies for absence given in advance of the meeting

23.071 – To consider the approval of reasons given for absence

23.072 – To confirm the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 25 October 2023

23.073- To receive the City of York Councillor’s report – for information only

23.074 – To receive the Clerk’s Report:

23.075 – Planning Applications
(a) To consider the following Planning Application
• Ref: 23/01732/FUL – Installation of a solar farm with associated infrastructure, access and security fencing at Yorwaste, Harewood Whin, Tinker Lane, Rufforth, York.

• Ref: 23/02039/FUL – Erection of storage building and change of use of surrounding land for storage of motor vehicles (retrospective) at OS Fields 0025 and 1124 York Road – Eastings: 452073, Northings: 454265.

(b) To note Local Authority Planning Decisions

23.076 – Finance
(a) To receive a financial statement

(b) To note accounts for payment

(c) To receive a report on income received

(d) To agree to renew the Parish Council’s insurance with Zurich

(e) To ratify the increase in the Clerk’s salary backdated to 1 April 2023

23.077 – To make decisions on Parish Council Land
(a) Registration of Parish Land – To receive an update

(b) Hessay Pond

(c) Willow Garth

(d) Allotments

(e) Thief Lane

(f) Sandpit Field

23.078 – To discuss, the condition of the village roads, footpaths, verges, and signage in the village.

23.079 – To progress the village signs

23.080 – To progress the new website for the Parish Council

23.081 – To consider Councillor and Clerk Training

23.082 – To receive a report on Village Policing

23.083 – To note Correspondence received by the Clerk

23.084 – To consider Minor Matters

23.085 – To consider new items for the next agenda

23.086 – To agree the date of next meeting

Posted 23 November 2023 Signed James Mackman

James Mackman, Clerk 39 Calder Avenue, Nether Poppleton, York, YO26 6RG
Tel: 01904 399277 – email: