
Councillor Vacancies

As of 27 June 2024, there are still three vacancies on the Hessay Parish Council.

The Parish Council meets six times a year. It sets the amount of precept (money that we receive from the City of York) to keep the village tidy and maintained, especially the five pieces of parish council-owned land such as the pond area, Willow Garth and the allotments.

The Parish Council is consulted on all planning applications in the parish.

The Parish Council acts as a conduit for complaints to the City of York Council about potholes, road markings, speed limits.

Are you interested?  Come to the next Parish Council meeting at the Chapel Schoolroom on Thursday 11th July and see what we do.

If you would like more information please contact the Parish Clerk, James Mackman on 01904 399277 or email:

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